Monday, January 26, 2009

Felt Needleholder

For the novice at needlecraft's like me, felt is your best friend. When it's on sale you can get yard for $2.49 at Joann's, so it's pretty cheap, the ends don't ravel, it cuts easily, and doesn't show all your mistakes. It's thinner than fleece and stiffer too, so it's easier to work with.I found a tutorial on Melissa's blog One Crafty Mumma for an easy felt needle holder. Check that, may it would have been easy if I could have left well enough alone and followed her directions. Well we all know I'm having trouble with sewing curves, so the first thing I decided was that I was not going to use the machine to sew on the bird. Then I thought, wouldn't a blanket stitch around it look cute? So my quick little project took a lot longer because I decided to add a bunch of hand sewing to it. On the upside, I really like how it came out. It gave me an excuse to use one of my favorite color combos: aqua blue, purple, and lime green. Only thing is, ER saw me working on it and now she wants one. Can't very well give the two and a half year old a needle holder. So now I'm on the hook to make her a wallet, as well as the cute felt food that are also featured on tutorials on Melissa's blog.A note on the template included with the tutorial, Melissa is from Australia so the directions are to print it on A4 paper which is different than US standard letter sized paper. I only used the bird from the template and cut my pieces to 4x9 for the two outer pieces and 3x7 for the inner one. This holder will really come in handy because before now, random needles were rolling around in my sewing box, no more poked fingers...always a good thing:)

3 Friends Said:

Vickie said... 1

Cute needle holder. Right now my needle holder is the back wall of my kitchen counter:)

Katie said... 2

Very Cute! I wonder if it would be really difficult to add more "pages" and make it a mini felt board book.

Sarah J. said... 3

Cute! That's a fun alternative to a pin cushion!

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