Thursday, January 8, 2009

Heart Button Pillow

Got buttons? For some reason I am addicted to buttons; I love using them in my scrapbooks and papercrafting projects. I've been wanting to try making a button pillow, ever since I saw one in an upscale boutique with a price tag that meant it was never coming home with me! That one had three little flower buttons on it and embroidered stems and grass, and I thought, "So cute but even I could make that!" With Valentine's day next month, I decided to get a jump on my holiday projects.

You will need: felt by the bolt, embroidery thread, disappearing ink pen (also called a quilter's pen), newspaper, fiberfill for stuffing, and an assortment of buttons.
Begin by tracing a template for the pillow shape with the pen onto felt, I used a 12x12 piece of scrapbook paper as I wanted an accent pillow. Cut out one piece of felt.
Use newspaper to make a template for the heart or whatever shape you want to make on your pillow. Use pen to trace it onto felt.Remove heart shaped template from on top of felt, arrange buttons inside of template until you have an arrangement you like to give you an idea of how your completed pillow will look. You may have to make adjustments to button placement as you sew. Refer to button covered template as you transfer buttons to felt.

Use 3 strands of embroidery thread to attach buttons onto felt, making outline of shape first and then filling in. When finished lay button covered piece down on top of a matching or coordinating felt. The two pieces of felt should be right side to right side, as you'll be turning them inside out when done. Use a running stitch to attach to each other, or sew on a machine. Leave approximately three inches open to turn and stuff. Cut around sewed on piece. Turn inside out, stuff with fiberfill and whip stitch closed. The finished pillow is a little less than 12 inches square due to stuffing.

I didn't follow that exact method, but it's the one I would have used if I didn't come up with the "brilliant", i.e. more time consuming idea to make two pillows out of one. I completed both pillow "fronts" and then used a running stitch to sew them together right side to right side, before turning them inside out and finishing. Remember, I'm avoiding actually using my sewing machine, still scared of it I suppose! I have a pink pillow front with the button heart and by turning it around I have a red felt pillow front with a white button snowflake on it. It's too late to use the red side for Christmas but it's all ready for next year. I thought this 2 for 1 would give me less to have to store! I really love how it came out, and I did the whole thing in an afternoon.

19 Friends Said:

Vickie said... 1

Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog!

I am a total royal freak. My obsession with Marie Antoinette started after I saw the movie with Kirsten Dunst. But I have always been Royal Crazy since I was a teenager.

I love your altered baby book. I never really thought about doing them, but yours is quite cute. I might have to add that to my to do list:)

I also love your button pillows. I also love buttons. From time to time I would buy a whole bunch from the discount bucket at the craft store.

Your daughter is so cute!

Take care.

Vickie said... 2

I am back. I was over at BATW and realized you are also from Michigan. What a hoot!

Lynn said... 3

I LOVE your heart button pillow! I have a whole bunch of buttons -- not sure where I got them, maybe from my grandma? -- and this would be a great way to use them. Thanks for sharing this adorable idea.

Katie said... 4

Thanks Vickie and Lynn, I appreciate your comments a lot! It's was fun to actually make something I've been threatening to do for months!

Anonymous said... 5

I absolutely love that pillow! I wish I took a little more time to do crafty things but I have been reserving all my crafty time for scrapbooking so far! I saw that you're a fellow Michigan blogger at Blog Stalkers and I can also see that you're a SITS girl too! Yay! I'm happy to meet you.

said... 6

Katie ~ SOOOO nice to meet you! I'm so glad you stopped by a few minutes ago. I grew up in Ypsilanti and moved to Saline 24 years ago. You must let me know how you like Apple Annie's when you go - or better yet, email me sometime and I can meet you there! :o)

Jessica Rodarte said... 7

Oooh. I love this pillow. Note to self: gotta make this adorable button pillow! :)

Little Birdie Secrets said... 8

Wow, this is really cute. I also have an insane button obsession. Buttons and fabric!! What a great way to use those buttons. This reminds me of a card I saw, but I like this better. People toss cards. Pillows--not so much!

Anonymous said... 9

Oh! I love that heart pillow...too cute! My g'ma had a huge tin of buttons and we used to play with it all the time growing up. One day months after she passed away I suddenly remembered those buttons and I'm assuming they were sold in the auction. I wish I had thought to save them!

DomesticDivasFancy said... 10

These pillows are adorable. I love buttons and I love pillows, perfect.

Jenny said... 11

Cute! I will have to start hoarding buttons now :)

Sarah said... 12

Hi Katie! I found your post through Tip junkie today and I must say this is a most creative use of buttons! I have a button hoard myself; now I have a few ideas to think upon for their use! The heart pillow is so very sweet, I just love hearts. :-) Have a wonderful day!

onegirliegirl said... 13

Absolutely adorable!! Have been looking for something easy and cute for V-day! Thanks for sharing!!

Sara said... 14

Love the heart button pillow, you did a great job by varying the sizes...most people would outline in one size button, this is soooo much nicer. stop by my blog for some fun ideas too!

Unknown said... 15

I'm in love with this. Maybe a little jealous!!! I am featuring this at Grab mY "featured" button.

Leanne said... 16

I love you buttons pillows. They turned out so cute. I'm going to have to make one for my daughter's room. She would love it too.

Laura Argelati said... 17

It's fantastic!!
I will try to make a similar one! :D

Laura from Italy

OregonPatchWorks said... 18

Wow its so simple and lovely i surely go for this..its so simple and attractive.....


Jenna, SAS Interiors said... 19

Such a great pillow!
I'm going to use it and link back to you on my site, SAS Interiors @, for a V-day Special!

I'm your newest follower...hop on over and Be Inspired by great design!

~Jenna, SAS Interiors

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