Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Recipe Rescue! Help a Girl Out, Blogher Gals!

Okay so one of my resolutions this year was to cut down on eating out and work on increasing our stock of go to recipes for meals. The idea is to make a new recipe each week. The last week or so has to be chalked up as a dismal failure on that count. So girlfriends, if you've got a recipe or two that are quick and easy but still full of flavor send them my way. Please keep in mind I would be considered an extremely novice cook and absolutely hate things like fish, liver, and other weird proteins. Basically, I've got the tastebuds of a toddler. Our dinners seem to be a revolving menu of taco night, spaghetti, hot sandwiches - i.e. same ol' lunchbox sandwich but toasted, broiled chicken, hamburgers, and throw everything on a plate of lettuce and call it salad. We recently masterd crock pot beef stew but that's pretty much been our lone addition to the rotation, and I'm already getting sick of that too! I am particularly interested in healthy recipes but even something sinful is probably better than another night at Chili's and a plate full of deep fried goodnes smothered in Ranch. Please help us begin a new leaf and start a healthier lifestyle so we can be around to bug ER with too much parenting advice...NOT that my own dear parents ever give me too much of that:) When we make your recipe I'll feature it on the blog, include a link to you, and extend our heartfelt thanks!

If your recipe is too long for the comment page or you're one of my friends without a blog who drops in occassionally to catch up, please email: katiesnestingspot@live.com

5 Friends Said:

Vickie said... 1

I have one that is my favorite. It is called Ravioli Lasagne. I will send it to you.

Katie said... 2

Thanks Vickie, can't wait to try it. If you send it soon, I'll make it this week.

♥ Noelle ♥ said... 3

I'm with you!! I love casseroles and stuff like that but my fiance and our boys won't touch that stuff. Sooooo, we have the same BORING dinners all the time! I get excited to go out to eat, cause then I can order the "weird" stuff that no one else likes! Hope you get some good recipes and can share them with me:)

Lynn said... 4

Hi Katie,

I'm one of those people that does like weird flavors, but I also have a family that doesn't :o so I have a few good go-to recipes here:

You might like Swiss Cheese Fondue, Super Simple Supper (a bread crumb omelet with a great garlic flavor), Flank Steak Teriyaki, or Kahuna's Skillet Chicken. Good luck with your cooking endeavors! :)

Queenie Jeannie said... 5

Well I have a pretty awesome cookbook with hundreds of recipes in it! =)

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