Friday, February 20, 2009

Bag Tag

Ashley at Domestic Divas Fancy tagged me in a bag tag way back on the 13th, and this is the first chance I've had to complete and show, what's in my bag. Here are the contents on a "light" day, I think one shoulder may end up being permanently higher than the other from lugging all this stuff around.

The Bag Details:
My bag is from Land's End and I actually wrote about it in a previous post. I think it was about forty dollars, which is a splurge when you have a ton of perfectly good bags like I do. But you can never have too many bags! It has the added benefit of being bright and cheery on overcast winter days plus it's huge; as every mommy of a toddler knows that feature is paramount.

The Contents:
  • Blue Diaper Me Darling: a cute container to carry ER's pull-ups around in, so I don't have to lug a big bag to the restroom or openly carry a diaper with me. It also has a fold up changing mat inside.
  • Wipes Container: with wipes that are good for changes, cleaning off dirty surfaces, and wiping dirty hands
  • Taylor Swift CD: ER loves the Love Story song and sings along. She calls it the princess song. We broke down and bought it for her, which was probably difficult for my husband who's musical tastes run more along the Pantera and Audioslave route. Both of which he has played for ER and "rocked out" with her, um...yeah we needed a more child friendly alternative.
  • Mail Circular Coupons: these are constantly changing but are currently to Gymboree and Children's Place, but I'm having a hard time predicting what size she'll be in for warmer weather so I haven't made any new purchases yet. The cute spring clothes are tempting, but we're under snow advisory for tomorrow so, soooo not necessary right now.
  • Cell Phone
  • Toddler Activity Bag: currently playdoh and cookie cutters, for keeping little finger's busy at restaurants and such.
  • Notebook and Pen: this one has a cool magnet closure and pretty printed pages, a stocking stuffer from my MIL
  • Kleenex
  • My favorite lemon flavored tea mints
  • Toddler Snacks: fruit snacks and teddy grahams, yeah I know not the healthiest but they're what I bribe, oops I mean reward her with when she's good or will sit in the cart when shopping.
  • Spoon: child sized cause a lot of time they're huge at restaurants and because you never know when you might need one
  • Sunglasses
  • Random Hair Clippie: for looking cute on the go
  • Hand Lotion
  • Wallet
  • Dwink: If you've got a toddler who drinks out of drink boxes, YOU NEED ONE. It's a plastic container that the juice box goes into and it prevents your tyke from squeezing the box and sending juice everywhere. Fits nearly every size and kind of drink box.
  • Bib
  • Mittens
So now that that's taken care of here are the rules:
1. Post a picture of whatever bag you are today - not last weekend when you and your hubby went out to that fabulous restaurant. No cheating!!!
2. Tell us how much it cost. This is a no-judgment zone -- there will be no ridiculing or eye rolling here. And, if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I'd love to hear it.
3. Now tag some fellow bloggers and link back to this post so people know why you are posting pictures of your bag.

I tag:
  • Vickie at Vickie's Scrapbooking and Tidbits, cause I tag her for everything!
  • Noelle at Lil' Bits and Pieces of Me, cause she's a girly girl and probably has her's jammed full of fun stuff
  • Katie at A Listmaker's Life, she has three kids and I've gotta know if she's packin' even more junk, um I mean important and very necessary kiddo paraphernalia than me!
  • Shelia at Pieces of Me, she traded her briefcase in for a diaper bag but her youngest is now three and the other one is six so I'm wondering if she's moved back into cute handbags yet...oh please give me hope for that!
  • Kristen at Baby Steps, most of her posts are about her darling daughters so it'd be nice to know a bit more about her by peeking into her bag.
  • Miss Muffin at Muffins and More, she just had her first feature on One Pretty Thing, so yeah her! She's over in Germany and has posted a bit about the difference between her time in the States and life back in Germany so it'd be fun to see what she's got.
  • Sarah at a Prayerful Driven Life, is so sweet and after reading the story of how she and her husband found a second chance at love it really gave me hope that God has a plan for all of us, including a friend of mine who is really in a tough spot right now.
Now I couldn't very well tag all 42 of my followers, but really I'd love for you to all consider you self "it". So please jump on in and play along, I think this is a fun way to reveal a little bit more about our daily lives - you can certainly tell who my life revolves around from my bag's contents. But if you're a bit busy or don't have time to participate right now, my feeling won't be hurt!

10 Friends Said:

♥ Noelle ♥ said... 1

I love that bag girl!! I accept your tag and will do mine tomorrow. I have to get to bed:) Hehe, wonder whats in my bag?? lol

Noelle ☻♥

Katie said... 2

What a cute bag! Believe it or's bigger than mine. In fact, it took baby #3 for me to finally carry a bag at all, just a debit card and a keyless car entry thingy in a coat pocket before (terrible I know - maybe that's why I was constantly losing one thing or another). However, now that I have a bag, I've filled it up in a hurry. I'll have fun with your bag tag challenge.

Vickie said... 3

Wow, your purse is so child friendly. You would think mine would be as well, with three kids and all. Nope!!

I have been wanting to do this tag. I have so much posting to catch up on. I have been behind. Darn computer.

Thanks for the tag:)

k-e-household said... 4

I still might get in on this anyway! I have about 4 bags on the go though at any time. :) We are steering clear of any restaurants in the near future, so I don't have to carry too many things around with me.

DomesticDivasFancy said... 5

Its about time!!! LOL! Just kidding, I love your bag! It is cute. You are so nice and neat and organized. I love it.

Tonja said... 6

I love the bag!! I am always searching for the perfecrt bag with two little ones...and I can never seem to find it.

I may be doing some shopping for a new bag this nxt week!?!?

And thank you for your comment yesterday :-) I am still new to all this and I am excited to make new friends thru blogging. I look forward to getting to know you better too!

Tonja said... 7

Oh ya..Thank you or the idea of the toddler activity pack. I recently have both of my kids home with me on a daily basis and this will definatly help when I am out and about.

Courtney said... 8

I have an award for you over at my blog! :)

Ms Muffin said... 9

Ok, when I read this at first I was like "A bag tag. Wonder what that is." Reading on I was thought "Mh, THAT sounds interesting" and pretty much at the same time another thought came up "Well, I am just very happy noone wants to know what MY bag(s) look like and contain" ... still reading on ... "Oh NO NO NO!!!"

I hope the readers of my post can handle shoking news - otherwise I will be left with no readers at all after my bag tag post. *help*

Sheila said... 10

Thanks for the tag and the incentive to clear out my bag!!

My post is here:

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