Thursday, February 19, 2009


I have had something in the works that I am SO EXCITED about!!! I'm about to burst, so I just couldn't wait another second to share with everyone!

This week I started a new thing posting Teach Me Tuesday and 123 Learn with Me Thursday. I wanted to share on a regular basis the simple language and math activities I do with my two year old, and I thought it'd give you all an opportunity share too. I know when we do something neat with our kids, we love to brag about it. I also thought this would be a great idea, because I'd gotten a few emails from some of my blogging buddies with questions about learning activities. You know how it is, the more heads there are working together, the better the ideas!

Well I've been talking with Katie over at A Listmaker's Life, and we've decided to start a new venture together: ABC and 123: a Learning Cooperative. The idea is to try and compile the great lessons and activities we do with our kids and share them so other parents and educators came come to ABC and 123 to find and share ideas. We're trying to keep things organized by themes, subjects, and loosely by grade levels so it'll be easy to find activities to do with our children when they need help with a particular concept or subject or when you just want to have some fun.

For this to work, we are going to be searching high and low for great ideas, but we also need participation from you! So if you've got an idea to share please consider sending us an email at We'd love to hear from you, and tell all your friends to send us something too!

Check out the following links for more information:

Activities and lessons do not have to written in lesson plan format and can be older activities from your archives, just send us the ideas and activities that have been successful with your kids!

Right now we're in the find and compile stage, so we'd love your help NOW, and on March 13 - which just so happens to be my 32nd birthday - we're going to have our big kick off! That's when we'll go "live" and begin posting all the lessons but for the first two weeks, on the week days, we'll be giving away a prize a day! So be sure to pop on by then to see the time saver learning activity kits we've put together to help you out that you can win, and please continue to pop on by after!
Isn't our button cute? Katie designed it, she's so talented! I have no idea how to do that kind of stuff, my DH is my tech support!

13 Friends Said:

Norma said... 1

A great idea for sharing. Consider a copyright for your site. Some of my best work ended up for sale in a workbook published by someone else.


♥ Noelle ♥ said... 2

Hi, I just left 2 comments on the new site!! lol The 2nd one was meant to go on this blog, duh!! Its gonna be one of those days!!

Serendipity said... 3

What a fun project!

Trudi said... 4

Sounds like a great project. Good luck, I may submit some things. I teach middle school special ed. Students who function at the pre K to second grade. So my stuff would fit.
I'm considering a series on my blog specificly for special ed. information and ideas. Stop by some time. I went to only one blog. No more split personality for me. LOL

Crystal said... 5

Thanks for all the great ideas and projects on your blog. I am so excited you are doing this and can't wait to try out some more out.

DomesticDivasFancy said... 6

I knew it...your brilliant!

said... 7

Katie, congrats on your new and exciting endeavour! I'm sure it will be successful and rewarding.

I didn't realize our birthdays are but one day apart - mine's March 12. :o)

k-e-household said... 8

I'm so excited for you! I will check out the new site tomorrow.

Will *ahem* prizes be mailed to Canada? You better put it in your FAQ!

k-e-household said... 9

I posted over here, then posted there, now I am posting over here again!
You are going to be soooo busy! What an undertaking!

Vickie said... 10

I went over there and visited. Great idea!

I am tellin' ya, you are going to be famous. You are all over the place.

Go girl, go girl!

Sarah J. said... 11

How exciting! Can't wait to check it out!!!

Sheila said... 12

What a fabulous idea! I can't wait. I became a follower and am looking forward to all of the wonderful ideas to come. I'll definitely be putting your button on my site very soon! Good luck, Katie!! :)

Dee Light said... 13

This sounds like such a great idea. I will have to check it out. I'm new to your blog, but so far I love it!

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