Saturday, March 14, 2009

Birthday Blog Awards

It just so happened that I got two blog awards on my birthday yesterday! I am on a roll and just having a great ol' week! I wanted to make sure I acknowledged them and one that I got awhile back and haven't had a chance to pass on until now.
I recently found Martha at So Lovely Creations, via One Pretty Thing after I saw her decoupaged storage boxes and I enjoy visiting to see all the other crafty things she's up to. She is currently substitute teaching and looking forward to having her own classroom soon. Hmm...yet another cool crafty teacher, there must be something about the profession of teaching that draws us in!

I am to pass it on to 10 people who do inspiring projects/work and generally make me smile and laugh. So in no particular order:
  1. Katie at a Listmaker's Life, have you seen the cute sock bunny she made?
  2. Vickie at Vickie's Scrapbooking and Tips, isn't this cool pop up element on her scrapbook page cool?
  3. Noelle at Lil' Bits and Pieces of Me, is a Creative Memories consultant who hosts really fun looking crops and recently went to an over night crop retreat and got a ton of pages done! I'd love to go have time to just craft uninterrupted for hours.
  4. Mama King at Four Crazy Kings is always coming up with fun ways to keep your kids entertained, check out this great way to reuse fruit cup containers into Easter decor. It combines two of my favorite things felt and recycling!
  5. Infarrantly Creative is one blog I've been lurking around for quite awhile. I love her many tutorials especially her one on how to paint flowers on your toenails, I've got a girly girl in training so this is something of infinite importance that I'm gonna need to know. She also has cool ones on how to make button replicas out of clay, repurposing broken crayons and making a cool caddy for them, soup can storage, and how to make tic tacs into a cute little gift are just some of my favorites.
  6. Chrissy at One Crafty Place finds all kinds of great crafts for making a handmade childhood, but she also has an equally fun blog called Chica Schmica where she posted how to make a five minute kite, festive handprint shirts - so going to make those next Christmas, and amazing potato print Christmas cards - see the second one, isn't that cool!
  7. Jeanne at Inspiring Ideas has her own line Simply Inspiring at Hallmark that I ♥ and a book out called Inspirational Home that I totally want. I love her idea to add scripture to a piece of furniture, these quick and easy Easter placecards, and how she turned an old door into an inspiration board.
  8. Vlijtig is another One Pretty Thing find, I love her felt hair tie tutorial, her awesome hand carved stamps, and all the bright and happy finds she posts about.
  9. Vanessa at V and Co. just posted the most fabulous Easter basket tutorial that I love, love, love! She has other great tutorials like this one for how to make a country rustic sign and a bandanna skirt.
  10. Small Fry & Co. I also found through One Pretty Thing, and there is no way I can keep up with all the great projects posted over there! My current fave is this cute fabric Easter basket, but then she made this fun cupcake apron, and there's also these fun paper bag purses and these and these. Oh so many crafts and not nearly enough time!
My friend Noelle at Lil' Bits and Pieces of Me gave me this award on my birthday; there's nothing like getting an award on one's birthday. Thanks Noelle! I love visiting all my blogging buddies, we all have such adorable blogs that I would like everyone to consider themselves awarded this one!

I feel so welcomed and blessed to get so many shout outs and well wishes. This truly is a great community! My latest award that was also given out on my birthday, comes from Vickie at Vickie's Scrapbooking and Tips, she is the sweetest gal and one of my first true blogging buddies. We just hit it off right from the start. There are no rules to this award, it's just supposed to brighten up the recipient's day. Well it certainly brightened up mine! Thanks Vickie!

Even though I don't have to pass this along, I am going to award it to my friend Anna from k e household, because her little emails always brighten up my day!

As always I hope all of you enjoy your awards and do not feel obligated to pass them along, I am just glad I got a chance to spot light each of you! Have a great rest of the weekend!

8 Friends Said:

Chrissy said... 1

Thanks for all the love! Glad you stopped by Chica Schmica, although it's fairly neglected these days. Hope you had a great birthday!

k-e-household said... 2

Awww. You are so sweet. You made me smile.

Celeste said... 3


Just wanted to pop-in to thank you for entering a past giveaway I had on my blog - I would like to inform you of another giveaway I have open right now (Girl's Paisley Swing Top)! Winner will be announced on 3/20 - so enter by the 19th :) Also - I've got future giveaways planned, so keep a look out!

God Bless,

Small Fry and Co. said... 4

Hey, my first award, thanks a million. That was a great surprise and a huge pat on the back for me. I am glad you are loving all the new ideas cause I am loving trying and posting them. Wish I could do more. Thanks again. And I hope it was a happy birthday.

Mama King said... 5

Thanks Katie! You rock! I love checking your blogs and seeing all the amazing creative and educational stuff you are doing! By the way I made the felt roll from your tutorial. I will be posting it and linking to your site later this week.

Mama King said... 6

P.S. I also can't wait to check out the other sites you honored!

Vickie said... 7

Thank you , Katie! that is a cute award! Thank you for the shout out:)

Infarrantly Creative said... 8

Hey thanks for the shout out and the award. I am glad you are lovin on my blog. happy birthday!

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