Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Easter Cards Revisited

Believe it or not, at one point I had enough time in the day to make handcrafted cards for several holidays throughout the year, even though I was teaching full time. I still consider myself employeed full time, within our home, but since that also means I'm always at work my down time has been reduced to the ever shortening naptime and when ER is in bed for the night.

I'm afraid I have become reaquainted with Hallmark! Card making was unfortunately one of the crafts that kind of got left by the wayside. It's all I can do to keep up with my scrapbooks and sometimes I feel like that's a losing battle.

I started scrapbooking in 2004 after our "honeymoon" to Hawaii, the quote marks are due to the fact our honeymoon was actually four years after we got married. Then I branched out into cards to help use up the paper scraps I'd accumulated.

Here are the first Easter cards I made back in my childfree days in California. All were made with purchased card forms and are simple designs probably inspired by Papercrafts Magazine or one of their special issues on cards. Looking at them now, I think maybe they look a little empty in spots but I remember thinking I pretty great when I made them!

I'm glad I started taking photos of my cards and projects before I sent them off, it's fun to look back and see them!
I remember really liking this one because little yellow ducklings are one of my favorite motifs and I have, or rather had a big collection of rubber duckies and stuffed ones too. Guess who laid claim to them?My Grandma was quite impressed with this one. I made her's with flowers and pastels on purpose, that's the kinda thing she likes a lot.
These flowers were in the card section of Target on clearance and I think I still have one yellow and one pink one left. I made several versions with different color combinations.

8 Friends Said:

♥ Noelle ♥ said... 1

cute! i always make card ideas for my crop nights; but then i forget to use the cards to give to people!! did you get your swap yet???

noelle ♥

k-e-household said... 2

I like the quack one the best. The color blocking turned out really good. I never give my cards away either!

Kris said... 3

Too funny about visiting Hallmark again! I can relate! My sister-in-law is an AMAZING card maker. I am always so impressed with what she does and wish I had half of her talent. That's great that you took pictures because even years from now it will be so fun to look back on.

Unknown said... 4

Very cute cards!!

Anonymous said... 5

Grandma's is my favorite! ♥

Vickie said... 6

Those are all great cards! My favorite is the ducky one as well. You crafty diva;)

Emily ~ Little Window Shoppe said... 7

How pretty. I just love Easter cards!

Heidi Boos said... 8

Hi Katie,

I love making cards and just recently got motivated to get back into it and have been having so much fun! I ALWAYS take pictures of my cards before sending them off. It's nice to be able to look back and see what you've created and then duplicate it if you need to. Thanks for sharing your creations...I love it!

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