Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Art: Paper Plate Chick

We made this really simple chick and it was so easy that we actually made three, one to hang from ER's bedroom window, one for Grammy & Papa, and one to take to Grandma Norma's on Easter. We had all the components on hand and they went together in a snap.

ER's favorite thing to do is paint, so she had a grand ol' time painting six plates. I think she was just happy she got to paint to her heart's content for once. This is such a nice project because I can just give her the paint and let her do her thing.

I cut the shapes for the legs, feet, beak, and eyes. She applied dots of glue where I pointed and stuck them pieces together. I stapled the head and body together. That was it, three art projects...easy peasy toddler craft.

These are based on a project I first did when student teaching so it's been awhile since I made them. I wasn't exactly sure how to position and place the legs and such; when I saw Michelle's version I knew just what I'd use for a model. Thanks Michelle!

Her's has fun assorted collage materials such as feathers and pom poms on the chick's body which is a great way to add some texture but is not painted. The ones I did when student teaching were painted and also had feathers on them but we didn't have any on hand and I just couldn't fit in another craft store run. Since the big draw for ER is painting I decided that ours would still be fun without them but I think I'll add some collage materials to our craft kit so we'll be ready to go for next time.

Check out I Blame My Mother for more Kid Friendly Friday activities.

10 Friends Said:

Jennifer said... 1

What a cute little chickie craft! =)

Happy Friday!

Mama King said... 2

You won't believe it you lucky duck! You won! I started laughing when I matched up your number to your name! You better get to Vegas! Congrats!
Oh email me with your mailing address and Letter preference.

Kelli said... 3

You are so creative! I posted about Jamison's tea party. I ended up doing things really simple because I went with Jamison's direction. I like mostly that we did place cards...that was fun!

Courtney said... 4

What a cute idea!

Kris said... 5

What a fun idea even the little ones could do! Have a wonderful weekend Katie!

Shey said... 6

I'm sure my nieces would love this! It's super cute. Thanks for sharing.

Sarah said... 7

Cute! Love all of the spring ideas today :)

Thanks for linking up - enjoy your weekend!

Heidi Boos said... 8

So cute, Katie! I'm sure she had a blast painting...and that's all she needed. And, of course, it turned out adorable (even minus the feathers)!! :)

Have a Happy Easter with your family!

Vickie said... 9

that is an easy craft to do. I think even Adela could do it:)

sunnymama said... 10

This is a cute idea!

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