Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mother's Day Tea Party

Today was the big day, that we've been so busy getting ready for, our Mother's Day Tea Party! It was so much fun! Everything looked beautiful; the food was delicious and everyone had fun doing the activities. Aren't our fancy tea hats pretty?

It was wonderful giving my mom and mother-in-law a special day to show them how much they mean to our family and how much we love and appreciate them! Spending time with our mother's is really what this day is all about, I love how this event gave my daughter a chance to bond and spend quality time with her Grandmas, creating wonderful memories and helping reinforce to her how much both Grandmas love her.

We're also spending Sunday with them, so we'll get lots of quality family time in! Originally, my husband told me that since we were having the tea, maybe I'd like to not drive across town to see his and my mother and celebrate mother's day with my daughter and family. We could do whatever I wanted. Then I thought about it, and realized that what I wanted to do was spend it with them☺
I have been holding on to these tissue paper pom poms since last summer, when I got a great deal on a kit by Martha Stewart. I originally planned on using them for ER's 2nd birthday party outside under our gazebo but it rained and was so humid on the day of her party that we couldn't use them. I'm glad I had the perfect opportunity to hang them up.We used the three painted polka dot pots for our centerpiece, I added a name tag to each one and decorated it with a silk flower. You can find out how we made the pots here. It was so easy, albeit time consuming since it was spread out over a few days but even a very young child can help make them. The purple pansies looked great in them, and coordinated so well with our color scheme.My mom brought her pretty china tea cups for us to use. The Grandma's each had a place of honor with their handprint heart photo frame "cards". Mom also brought her Grandmother's silver flatware, tea pot, cream, and sugar. It was so special using things once owned by my Great Grandmother, how appropriate for a Mother's Day celebration!
Our first activity was to make fancy tea party hats. I got this great idea from my Family Fun magazine, that's been such a good subscription! It has fantastic ideas and it's worth every penny!

All you do it cut two pieces of 30x30 pieces of wrapping paper. Lay them together wrong sides together. Have one person hold it on their head, while another wraps colored tape around the widest part of the head. Trim off the excess paper in a circular shape, leaving about five inches border. Flip up the sides and the front "brim" of the hat. Decorate with tissue paper flowers.

To make the flowers cut large and small circles out of several layers of tissue paper. Cut a circle out of cardstock that is smaller than the smaller circles of tissue paper. Layer from largest to smallest. Put a brad through the center and attach to hat.
For once I managed to time everything really well. While the Grandmas worked on making the hats, I made the tea sandwiches. We had a nice variety and I am pleased with how everything turned out. We had four different kinds of sandwiches, cranberry orange scones, heart shaped brownies, fruit kabobs, chocolate covered strawberries, pound cake petite fours, and a fruit tart.
Family Fun Magazine also helped me out with some of the sandwich ideas. We nibbled on mini pitas filled with hummus, cucumber, and tomato. I made mini croissants with cherry almond chicken salad I purchased at the deli. For something sweet we had baguette spread with Nutella and banana slices and whole wheat triangles filled with honey walnut cream cheese with pear slices. Everything was really good!
I made the chocolate dipped strawberries and pound cake petite fours. The petite fours are the only thing I didn't love but my mom liked them. We think that Brad and I didn't care for the almond extract added to the frosting. I'd try them again, but only add vanilla extract. They did look pretty, even if they were slightly neon colors instead of the pastels I wanted. When they say only add a drop at a time of food coloring to the frosting, they mean it! I wish I could take credit for the fruit tart, it was so yummy but that delish treat came from Whole Foods Market and so did the great two bite mini scones.
Look a man at our Mother's Day Tea! It's Brad, he came home for lunch to enjoy a tasty lunch and see his mom aka Grandma Norma! For some reason he didn't want to wear my hat for the picture ☺
Here is me and my mom aka Grammy.
The other little activity I planned was decorating frames. ER painted these when she painted the pots. The Grandmas helped her add some cute flower and butterfly foam stickers to hers. Later on, I will give each Grandma picture from today's tea to put in it. ER would not look up at the camera because, "I'm working!"

It was a lovely day, and such a special treat to have all the ladies together! I've added this to I Blame My Mother's Kid Friendly Friday.
ER and Grammy
ER and Grandma Norma
ER and Mommy

24 Friends Said:

Grandma Norma said... 1

It was a great day. Thank you for all of your hard work. Good food, good people, fun activities, and my precious granddaughter. It couldn't have been better.

kw said... 2

What a cute little party! I love all of your ideas. You are a fabulous hostess!

Katie said... 3

What a wonderful idea for celebrating your moms & ERs grammys! I love all of your attention to detail. The hats turned out really cute and OH MY! those goodies look amazing!!
What a special day!

Vickie said... 4

Awe! So sweet! Looked like a lovely day:)

I love Family Fun magazine.

SomerJane at Daisys and Diggers Blog said... 5

I saw this idea in family fun and wanted to do it as well! Your looked VERY successful and I love the food you presented~lovely!
The hats turned out really cute as well!! Great photos~ SJ

Cheryl said... 6

Beautiful!! I love the hats -I have used that idea before too.. love that magazine!
ER looks so darling.

onegirliegirl said... 7

Absolutely adorable!! My mom was a "Grammy" too. She passed away 12 years ago, and missed out on all these fun times. Happy Mothers Day to all of you!!!

xoxo ~Lisa

Anonymous said... 8

Aw, what special memories you gave everyone! You're a sweet heart, Katie! ♥

Kelli said... 9

What a sweet party, I'm excited to see the results of your hard work. Way to go!

Margaret said... 10

The party looked like so much fun! The food looked great. You must be exhausted, but I am sur eit was worth it.

Val said... 11

I am so impressed. Someone really worked hard. Where do you get that magazine? It sounds great. The food looked beautiful. I would love to know how to make those petit fours. Are you going to show us how?

Kim @ Life of a Modern Mom said... 12

What a great idea, I can't wait to plan one for next year. And, the food looked fantastic!

Maridith said... 13

Wonderful tea party!! Looks like everyone had fun. Love the hats, the decor the food...everything. I would love to go to your tea party!! Very fun!!

Annie said... 14

OMG, what a great Tea Party. The food looks delicious. You prepare all the food.

Great job.

marzipan79 said... 15

This is so precious. What a wonderful idea. Next year, we are definitely having a tea party for "Nammie."

LollyChops said... 16

This looks like absolutely fantastic party (everything is so well planned out)! I'll def have to get some tea themes going and soon!

Kelli said... 17

What a beautiful Mother's Day party! I've been visiting your blog for about a month now but this is the first time that I've left a comment.

I just have to tell you how much I enjoy reading it. You make me smile! You have such wonderful ideas and I enjoy seeing what you will do next.

I have a 5 year old and 2 year old twins. Your ideas are perfect for them. Thanks for sharing with us!

RoS said... 18

Katie ABSOLUTELY outdid herself for this wonderful Mother's Day Tea Party! I was SO impressed with her DELICIOUS menu, decorations, and activities. I love my tea party hat and have already put it away to save it for another party - in spite of complaining when Katie mashed down my hairdo to make it! : ) And best of all, I spent the time with my thoughtful daughter and sweet granddaughter and good friend, Grandma Norma! In fact, Katie has inspired me to make my own honey walnut cream cheese spread; it was FABULOUS!! Grammy Ro

Mama King said... 19

If Martha Stewart decides to retire I am nominating you to take her place! What a beautiful party! I love the hats, the crafts and don't get me started on the food! You are incredible!

Lovey said... 20

What a fun party!!!


Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog said... 21

This is so lovely! I did a tea party for my mom and my mother-in-law last year and it was a huge hit. I especially LOVE the hats!!! I almost squealed when I saw them! :-)

Preschool Playbook said... 22

What a wonderful day to celebrate your Moms. Everything looks so gorgeous and yummy. It looks like everyone had a great time.

Heidi Boos said... 23


What a wonderful event! I could seriously go on and on about all of the things I loved (hats, special tea settings, painted pots...) See? On and on! I love it! I'm so glad you shared this and were able to make this such a special day for all 4 of you. I really want to do something like this for Mikayla's grandmas. I just wish my mom lived closer around Mother's Day. Maybe I'll just have to do something while she's in town for the winter.

Thanks again for sharing all of the great ideas and all of your smiles!!

Amy said... 24

I always love a good tea party! Thanks for the great ideas.

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