Thursday, July 23, 2009

Let's Go Tigers!

Around here there is only one sport of importance, and that is baseball. Tiger baseball to be exact. Now Brad would probably argue points in favor of football and soccer but he'd lose. He's outnumbered and doesn't have a chance.

The year ER was born the home team went to the World Series, we won't mention how that turned out:( It meant that even though we lived in New Mexico she had to start showing her Tiger spirit already. My dad made sure of that!And so a tradition was born. Every year since, and this detail is very important to my Dad and brother, she's had a regulation Detroit Tiger's outfit. Here she is only 3 months old and already sporting the old English D.The following spring she had actually grown into it and could wear it around. It even made an appearance on a scrapbook page. She outgrew it during the summer and there is no way we can be without Tiger spirit during the middle of the season!
Once again Papa came to the rescue with this super cute two piece that she got right before her first birthday. You can't tell from the picture but the little navy blue bottoms have ruffles on them. There is nothing cuter than a ruffle butt, well if you're part of the baby or toddler set. I don't think they'd look that cute on moi☺
The next year Papa got what we lovingly call the "Papa's Little Dude" outfit. He denies it but it SO was meant for a little boy! This picture above made me realize that I had to learn how to make cute orange bow clippies for ER to wear with this outfit pronto. So people wouldn't tell me how cute my little boy is, LOL. My mom swears that you can still tell she's a girl because of her feminine looking face...but....
He also got her a little warm up type suit, which also looks very little boyish. That didn't stop her from wearing the little jacket all over, I just made sure she had some cute hair doodads in her hair with it. He prefers the official blue, orange, and white colors but seriously Dad a dress would still be in keeping with showing our Tiger colors and be so much more appropriate for little miss.
My brother is a little bit more with the program, he got her this top and shorts outfit. He also got her the pink hat with she wore everywhere last summer. Please note that even our Build a Bear Patches is in a Tiger's hat and shirt. We go all out in in this household.
I had to include this one because I think it's just too stinkin' cute. We're on our back deck in the playhouse and Patches is telling her a secret. Looks like it might be something juicy from the look on ER's face, LOL.
For ER's 3rd birthday the tradition continues! Look what Papa just gave ER last weekend. A warm snuggly sweatshirt so we can root for the home team even after the weather gets cooler. There's even a D on the hood. She already got a new pink Tiger's hat from Uncle Dave earlier in the season. You've seen it in pictures already, like the travel post and park one. She also got another one in their traditional colors from Papa that she likes to wear inside the house all the time, why inside I don't know. If you know what makes a 3 year old tick, let me in on the secret!

We've yet to brave an actual game with her, because she is just too squirmy. We watch them on television all the time together. She likes to eat popcorn out of the special big blue bowl and root for the Tigers. I can't wait to start taking her to real games, there is nothing like the feeling of excitement at a live Tiger's baseball game!

12 Friends Said:

Tina said... 1

Hey now - that is one cute kid for sure. Happy Birthday to her.

Bran said... 2

Tigers spring training is here in my hometown. We LOVE to go see them playing.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said... 3

what a very darling Detroit fan!

Jennifer said... 4

That has to be the cutest Tigers fan I've ever seen. =)

Go Tigers!!

DomesticDivasFancy said... 5

HEY! It has been so long since I have been on here. We are finally moving into the house and I now have the computer hooked up here! I LOVE your new layout! It has been too long...but I am going to be back a little at a time! Between unpacking and my Etsy, I barely have time to breathe. I miss you gals so much!


eriochrome said... 6

It took a little time but we finally got her to not say "Home Run" when the opponents bat and "Strike Out" when the Tigers bat. Almost seemed like she was rooting for the opponents instead of the home team.

Mama King said... 7

What a cute retrospective! So many great photos. That girl of yours is super cute! My personal favorite outfit is the dress that looks like a baseball!

Nadia said... 8

hey this is my first time on your blog since im new to the blogging world but i just wanted to say hi.. your pictures are adorable and your kids are even cuter! i just subscribed to your feed :)

Missy said... 9

Hi Katie! Sorry I haven't visited in a while. Summer just keeps me busy with the kids out of school. Hopefully, I'll get to some of my favorite blogs more frequently.

These are the cutest pictures! What a darling Tigers fan.

Alicia said... 10

Is your Dad still insisting its not a boy's outfit...Papa you lost that the moment the box was opened.
Whatever shes wearing she's still the cutest Tigers fan!!!

Sheila said... 11

I love your Tigers fan!! We are Mets fans, and my hubby is always buying Mets gear for the kids. They, of course, love anything that's pink rather than the orange and blue gear! Such cute pictures, Katie!

Heidi Boos said... 12

Katie! This is stinkin' adorable! ER is so precious and those outfits are too much fun. Love that it has become a tradition.

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