Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tiptoe through the Tulips in my Sew Fierce Hat

Just in time for her 3rd birthday ER got this pretty tulip sun hat from Stephanie at Sew Fierce! You might remember the review I did for the beautiful custom monogramed dress, I won from Stephanie's giveaway on her blog A Pocket Full of Buttons, and the Whimsy Faith Top and Ruffled Capri's set I bought from her Etsy store.

As a thank you for the review, which led to sale, she had me pick out a sun hat design for ER. Once I saw the Sweet Tweeters hat made with my very favorite bird fabric, I just had to have it for ER. It's perfect with a little room to grow AND ties to keep it from flying off her head on windy days. Something that drives ER crazy when she's busy playing, so it's perfect for her.

The hat is very stylish with coordinating fabrics and very sturdy. It keeps it's shape perfectly even when it's been squashed up in my bag. For just ten dollars, Stephanie has a wide range of fabrics to choose from. You can be cutesy or more sophisticated, whatever suits your style, and get one with our without ties. Plus you can be assured your child will be the only one at the playground with this particular hat, making it easier to keep an eye on her while she runs around a crowded play structure. Thanks Stephanie for the making sure ER keeps her title as most stylish toddler on the block! We got the hat I'd want to make if I ever get up the nerve to cut my own yard of birdie fabric and figure out how to use my sewing machine. I have to say, ordering a tulip hat from Steph is the way to go, less hassle and effort, and a much much better result than anything I could've made. Plus seriously, the price is an unbelieveable bargain when you consider the designer fabrics and quality of the workmanship that went into making it.

Check out the rest of Stephanie's fun and affordable designs at her Etsy store or at Sew Fierce. Or if you're feelin' lucky, you could enter Capital Mom's giveaway for one! It's open now until July 28th to US and Canadian residents so hurry on over!

6 Friends Said:

Capital Mom said... 1

It looks great on her!

My daughter has a tulip hat too and loves it. I am actually hosting a giveaway of one of Stephanie's tulip hat at so please tell all your friends that want one to come and visit! Thanks.

Mama King said... 2

Happy Birthday ER! Looking too cute for words as usual!! Hope you have a great weekend!

♥ Noelle ♥ said... 3

very cute... as always!!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said... 4

OMG I didn't even realize you posted anything.
Awe, as always she's a doll! Thanks for the write up sweetie so glad you both like it :)

Momstart said... 5

That's a really cute hat

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said... 6

pretty in her "posy" cap...
Happy birthday!

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