Friday, November 27, 2009

PakNak Review & Giveaway, 3 WINNERS

Giveaway now closed, thank you to everyone who entered for supporting my blog! Your entries help me bring more great reviews and giveaways to you☺ Congratulations to #15 Clemencia, #47 Meg Hitt, and #7 brandon and jakell. The winners have been emailed and have 48 hrs to respond.
Stocking stuffer alert! How cool are these? PakNak's are fun, soft, and rubbery 3D decorations for kids that can be used to personalize all sorts of things like purses, backpacks, computer bags, lunch sacks, headbands, and household items such as vases, canvas storage bins. and even headboards. I think they are a fun and innovative product, that let kids give their belongings a personal look with lots of options. Change your PakNak to match your outfit, mood, or on a whim, all are possible.There are over 40 designs and each one has a customized velcro® dot on the back. One side is attached the back of the PakNak and the other is backed with super strong adhesive. You simply remove the backing and apply the adhesive side to your surface. The hook and loop tape on them, that makes each one interchangeable. They are weather resistant, and it's quick and easy to apply them. We got three PakNak's to try out and ER already loves changing them around and swapping out where on the bag each one is. Her little hands can easily grip them and move them about independently. They are approximately 2.25-2.5 inches in either direction so they are sized nicely for little hands and big enough to make a visual impact. We were sent three really girly ones because that's what our 3 year old would want but there's a wide range of choices and even extra loops so you have more options as to where they can go.Visit's PakNak's gallery to see more cute ways to decorate and customize your things with PakNaks. I especially love the idea to put them on a flower pot or to use them as a gift tag for gift. Each PakNak is $3.99 and would make fun stocking stuffers, gifts from the tooth fairy, or party favors. My only regret is that they are not available in my area. Guess I'll have to plan ahead and order online!
In honor of today, traditionally the busiest shopping day of the year aka Black Friday, save 15% on your PakNak order, just enter JOY15 at checkout. Good for a limited time only so hurry!

THREE winners will each win FOUR PakNak's of their choice!!!

Tell me which four PakNak's you'd pick and how you'd use them.

Extra Entries:
  • Publically follow me, using the Google Friend's Connect gadget on my blog.
  • Post my link button on your blog.
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Follow PakNak on Twitter
  • Tweet about this giveaway on Twitter, leave a link to your tweet.
  • Post about this giveaway linking to my post and PakNak.
Enter by Thursday Dec 10 midnight EST to US residents only. Good Luck!

Disclaimer: PakNak sent me these samples to review, and this post reflects my personal and unbiased opinion and experience with them, yours may differ.

62 Friends Said:

Amanda said... 1

These would be adorable on Madison's dance bag! Or even the shhh super secret baby doll diaper bag she is getting for Christmas!

The Birdy_birdy, Manfred, Pinky and Damsel are my top choices!

Amanda said... 2

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Amanda said... 4

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Amanda said... 5

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brandon and jakell said... 6

so much fun...I would love to get the Mona, sola, manfred and kayla jane!

so much fun!!!!!

jakellcth@msn. com

brandon and jakell said... 7

follow you on twitter (cthmommy)
jakellcth@msn. com

brandon and jakell said... 8

follow Paknak on twitter (cthmommy)
jakellcth@msn. com

brandon and jakell said... 9

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jakellcth@msn. com

ABCD Diaries said... 10

Lag, Birdy Birdy, Martin and Isaac:) Thanks!
christinbanda at yahoo dot com

Vickie said... 11

Those are so cute! I would love to get:

Vickie said... 12

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Vickie said... 14

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Clemencia said... 15

Uh! I like Sprinkles, Powder, Minty and Manfred, they are adorable, I would put them all over my daughter's lunchbox and backpack :)

Clemencia said... 16

I am a follower of your blog with google friends connect :)

aledol said... 17

Bella, Ginger, Tabby, Isaac; the uses are limitless!! We would make pictures, cookies, possibly necklaces; these just look so much fun-my twin girls are 8 & would love these, I just came across them & I think they are cute;):)

aledol said... 18

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aledol said... 19

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jillykat07 said... 24

I'd pick Claire, Martin, Manfred, & Birdy-Birdy! I'd use them on something creative for my 2 yr old!
Jill Kathan

jillykat07 said... 25

I follow you!
Jill Kathan

Julie said... 26

I would pick-Kyla Jane, Minty, sprinkles and pax. I would use them to decorate a tote

Julie said... 27

follow your blog as jelaws5

Unknown said... 28

which four I'd pick is really easy--I've got two granddaughters so I'd be up a creek unless I got them both a Tan N. Baum and Snickerdoodle to make it fair. (Personally I like Pax and Joe the bug too.)

Unknown said... 29

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Unknown said... 31

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Unknown said... 32

Anonymous said... 33

I love these they look so cute, I had a hard time picking 4 that I like for my girls but i would go for...Damsel,Minty, betsy, and kyla jane.

Angie said... 34

I would get the Earth, Sprinkles, Snickerdoodle & Tan N Baum


Angie said... 35

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Angie said... 37

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Angie said... 38



Angie said... 39

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Unknown said... 40

I'm so glad I found this! I just LOVE the little coloting pages the site offers- er i mean my daughter just loves them. shes 2 and who i would probly use the paknaks for! I myself just LOVE Damsel, Minty, Ted the Head and Bella! I would probly end up buying Ginger too because he's cuite too and we wouldn't want to leave him behind!

Unknown said... 41

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Unknown said... 44

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Unknown said... 45

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Meg Hitt said... 46

Pax, Tan N Baum, Snickerdoodle, and Joe the Bug
meghitt01 at gmail dot com

Meg Hitt said... 47

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meghitt01 at gmail dot com

Meg Hitt said... 48

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meghitt01 at gmail dot com

Meg Hitt said... 49

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meghitt01 at gmail dot com

Meg Hitt said... 50
meghitt01 at gmail dot com

Niecey said... 51

I'd choose Claire, Ted the head, Charmy S Fly and Isaac and I'd give one to each of my 4 children for them to personalise their belongings.

Niecey said... 52

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Niecey said... 53

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Niecey said... 55

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KC said... 56

someone above gave me a great idea--I'd get two each of the Christmas ones: Tan N Baum and Snickerdoodle and put them on my daughter's stockings! how cute would that be to decorate their stockings with PakNaks!
KCMayhan at gmail dot com

KC said... 57

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KCMayhan at gmail dot com

KC said... 58

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KCMayhan at gmail dot com

KC said... 59

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KCMayhan at gmail dot com

KC said... 60

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KCMayhan at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 61

I'd choose Snickerdoodle, William, Ralph & Isaac.

littleesmama at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 62

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