Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Celebrations

I hope your holidays and this most special time of the year has been filled with as much love, togetherness, and wonderment as ours.  I've been enjoying this time with my family and hope you are too!  We've got lots of family time still to go.  We'll be visiting with out of state relatives, hosting this year's belated Christmas playdate, and visiting Great Grandparents this upcoming week.  I just love this time of year, and having Brad at home on vacation for two whole weeks♥

6 Friends Said:

Sandy said... 1

Yes, I have enjoyed special time with family, too!
Happy New Year to you and your family!

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said... 2

What lovely photos!! So glad to hear you are having a wonderful holiday! Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and best wishes for a great 2010!! :-)

Andrea said... 3

What beautiful photo montages! Happy holidays!

Ticia said... 4

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said... 5

I love the holidays but am so happy when they are over. I just get so tired! Great selection of photos!

Susana said... 6

It must rock having Brad home for two straight weeks!!

I hope y'all enjoy every minute of family time together!!

You have some awesome pictures too!

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