Monday, November 30, 2009

Papa's Treats: Upcycled Hot Chocolate Tin

Yesterday we celebrated my Dad's 69th birthday. One of his gifts from us was a canister filled with decadent Oreo Bark, super simple recipe at the end of this post. Both the container and yummy candy would also make great homemade holiday gifts.

I think the brown and blue is a nice wintery combination. The cute container that I upcycled this time, to hold the Oreo Bark started out looking like...
this. I've hung onto it for two years, just knowing that one day I would find the perfect use for it. I used a big leftover scrap of paper from the Exploding Box and Mini Album we also gave him.
For the top I used my Martha Stewart Circle Cutter, it is a fantastic papercrafting tool. It's compact but cuts so many different sizes of circles, in really small increments. This covered right up the old label on top. I tied some ribbons to the handle, and tried not to go overboard so it would still look masculine. I also added a metal tag I've had in my craft stash for forever. The little punched star on the tag tied in with the star I also die cut for the side of the container.
I put on some dots of tacky white glue all over the outside, and then wrapped the canister with paper cut to size. The star and title "Papa's Treat's" were all die cut with my Sizzix Sidekick. I threw on a button too, because everything looks better with a button.
Of course the paper couldn't be long enough to go all the way around, that would be way too easy! So I punched holes and tied up the back kind of like a corset, once again trying not to make it overly girly. I've done this before and I always think it comes out looking so pretty.
This was my solution to avoiding having to buy another container, and the hot chocolate tin is so sturdy that it can be used many more times to hold a lot more treats just for Papa. Although, I have a feeling Grammy and Uncle Dave might swipe a few too☺
Oreo Bark

Seriously simple to make, who doesn't love only 2 ingredients! Plus you can get out all your frustration when you break up the cookies. We ended up with really thick pieces because of our narrow freezer and only used 1.5 bags of white chocolate chips.

1 (20 ounce) package Oreo cookies
2 (18.5 ounce) packages white chocolate
  1. Place half a package of Oreo cookies into a plastic bag at a time, this keeps crumbs from flying all over the kitchen.
  2. Crush and smash cookies.
  3. Line jelly pan, or if you have a narrow freezer a cake pan with wax paper.
  4. Pour half the crumbled cookie bits onto wax paper, spread cookies into a even layer on half of the jelly or cake pan.
  5. Melt chocolate in microwave according to package directions.
  6. Immediately pour melted chocolate over cookie bits and mix gently so that your candy does not turn gray.
  7. Repeat steps to make second half of recipe in the other half of the pan.
  8. Place pan in the freezer for an hour.
  9. Take out and break into pieces and enjoy your rich chocolate treat!

Thank you to Nicole at the Adventures of the Lil' Chef for telling me about this recipe. One of my Dad's favorite all time cookies are Oreos so when I saw her post I knew it would be the perfect little extra homemade gift for him. It's easy to make and really decadent tasting! You can also find the recipe on All Recipes.

This post has been added to:

Update: This is also my contribution for Day Four: Creative Wrapping at The Girl Creative's Creating Christmas Blog Fest.

Creative Mamas Monday at A Kindred Spirit's Thoughts
Make It for Monday at Cottage Instincts
Holiday Highlights #3 at The DIY Show Off
Strut Your Stuff Holiday Cards and Gifts at Somewhat Simple
DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land
and it is my first time linking up to:
It's also a part of the following recipe carnivals:
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday at Blessed with Grace
Tuesdays at the Table at All the Small Stuff
Tasty Tuesday at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam

27 Friends Said:

Jaedyn said... 1

You have the BEST ideas ever! My dad would love this. :-) I think I'll try to do something like this for Christmas. Thanks for the great idea!

And thanks for linking up to Creative Mamas Monday! :-)

Jaedyn said... 2

I tweeted this, too. :-) Are you on Twitter?

Mama Byrd said... 3

This is adorable! Thanks for stopping by!

Dena Pickle said... 4

I'm definately going to try this one! Thanks for the inspiration!


Steph @ somewhatsimple said... 5

LOVE this idea! Love it! That corset idea is too cute!!!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said... 6

Love the tin and the recipe sounds too good to pass I want to run out to the grocery store for Oreo's and White

Unknown said... 7

How cute! and that oreo bark sounds yummy!

Desi @ Wee Share said... 8

You did a great job! Very nice and thanks for the recipe :)

Catherine @ van Breugel Design said... 9

I love this! Cute and beautiful at the same time!

Nicole said... 10

That turned out great! I am sure ER loved making it!

cindy said... 11

I love how you had to restrain yourself from overdoing....crack me up. Men just don't appreciate too many embellishments! We girls, though, can never have too much bling :)

This turned out sooo cute. Unique and handmade with love (and restraint). Great job Katie!

Thanks for linking up to Mi4M~

Susana said... 12

I made something very similar to this last night. You'll have to look for it when I get around to posting it. It's one of my holiday faves. I added more "junk" to it:-). LOVE IT!! Cute picture of ER too!

Susana said... 13

Forgot to say....LOVE the upcycled cocoa tin and love your Christmas blog design too!!

Maureen said... 14

Lucky Papa!

Heather said... 15

Love the canister, you did a fabulous job!

Heidi Boos said... 16

Gooooooorgeous! LOVE the lacing on the back! How ingenius. And the Oreo bark??? YUMMMY!!!! I bet he loved it!

MommyBrain said... 17

I have this exact same container in my pantry right now ... it was a gift from one of my students and it's just about empty. Now I have the perfect idea for reusing it! And I adore the corset lacing - so clever!

Marigene said... 18

What a great creative idea to recycle a hot chocolate tin into a treat tin! Thanks for sharing.

Patti @ Pandoras Box said... 19

I like all these ideas...especially the oreo bark (which I am certainly going to make!!) The container came out fabulous...thanks for sharing

Jody said... 20

Yummy! That recipe sounds soooo good and the container is very well done.

Unknown said... 21

You have the GREATEST!!! ideas for an AWESOME!!! craft and recipe.

Cole said... 22

Both the canister and oreo bark are fabulous!!

Thanks for sharing. :-)

Nobody Puts Mama In A Corner! said... 23

I have the same can sitting in my pantry to cute to throw away! Now I know what to do with it!
Mama Holli

Vickie said... 24

You do have the best ideas!! Also Jason loves Oreo cookies. I am gonna try this recipe. I am writing it down right now!!

I am gonna look into the Martha Stewart circle cutter. I have a different cutter and it doesn't do well with small circles if I am using paper smaller than the cutter it self.

Holly Lefevre said... 25

Another seriously cute idea. I did something similar but not as elaborate. I am hooked...must follow...don't want to miss a thing!

Holly @ 504 Main

Sandra said... 26

Very cute idea and I love the lacing up the back like a corset...such a good idea.

stacci15 said... 27

This is such a cute idea. Thanks so much for posting.

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